This post is not meant to be controversial or to ask teachers to act outside of the guidelines/suggestions of your school.
I have a confession. I accept all Facebook friend requests from parents of my students. I know I sound a bit crazy. What is the purpose?
I love being transparent. The truth is many people that will read this have a life that should not be made public. The truth about my life is that I am not ashamed of the life I live outside of the school walls. My reason for being open to letting parents into this part of my life is I want them to know the whole person who is teaching there child.
Being transparent like this: keeps me from creating rants that demean my students, it creates another for my words, and it brings everything into the light.
Mainly this choice allows me to share my faith and the actions of my faith outside of school.
This video has circulated throughout those parents, and I love knowing they have heard my heart:
My question for any teachers that stumble upon this, Are you living in a way that would please the parents of your students? Could you be transparent and unashamed?
If the answer is no, then I would challenge that we have little authority to challenge the choices of our students and parents. Are we not very close to being in the same vessel?
Very interesting perspective. I commend you for your openness. For me personally the topic is mute as we have a strict social networking policy that prohibits us from contact with parents or students. Having said that, I don't think I would change it even if I could. I like to keep my professional and personal life desperate. I'm not trying to hide anything, just to have some privacy. Thanks for sharing!