I never thought the day would come when the natural instinct in kids to play would diminish. When I talk about play I mean the interaction between kids. What kids call "playing" today is nothing more then self entertainment. With cellphones, ipods, and other personal devices (all of which I enjoy to a point) kids can pass the time through endless apps, games, and other means entertainment. There are great educational uses for all these things, but what I have seen in my students is a loss of group play. My students have trouble constructing meaningful play with their classmates. The case for this is the days my students have indoor recess. I have a closet full of games, puzzles, and other activities that they can use. The problem I have found is that most of them are unfamiliar with group play. They do not know how to get from boredom to fun game time with friends. Because of this conundrum, I have had to walk kids through playing games together. I have to physically get on the floor, help set up, explain the rules, and facilitate a game. Once I do this, the students have a blast and will play the game for days. Then I can work my way out of the picture, and help some other kids make the same jump.
How do you battle a world that is calling our kids to only value self entertainment? Would love to hear your thoughts.
*I am in no means against technology. I am against my students losing the ability to interact as kids, which will form how they interact with others throughout their lives.