Teachers can get by with teaching, punching the clock, and going home. The truth is none of us start out with this goal in mind. We do not desire to have a job branded with isolation. We hope to connect with our students, and connect with our colleagues in deep meaningful ways. To make the later happen, we need to be willing to share what works. Knowing what works, requires reflection, which you should have already done in the 30 Goals Challenge. Once you have something that works for your students, there is a high likelihood that it can benefit other teachers too. Jump off your little island and share!
This year I had the great opportunity to have my class read, THE BFG by Roald Dahl with another class located at Tanglewood Elementary in Lousianna. One of the highlights of the project was a riddle/hunt that I designed to be completed throughout the school after reading the first three chapters of the book. I have since shared that resources, and now a Twitter follower: @amsgoodwin will be trying out the same riddle/hunt next week. I am looking forward to pictures and maybe a video clip of her students chasing down the whereabouts of Sophie. It is amazing to see one idea spread. Where are your resources and ideas traveling these days?
Want to read The BFG to your kids and want the riddle/hunt? Email me: isnyder@linemountain.com
Extra Amazing Resources Below!!!
Two Great Blogs to Follow:
Primary Graffiti
For the Love of Teaching P.S. I am hoping to borrow this great idea!